SPRING and SUMMER EGGS and LARVAE Order now for supply in season
Scarlet Tiger Panaxia dominula
We suggest keeping newly-hatched larvae in a soft paper-lined size 7 plastic box on a fresh leaf of Sallow or Plum. These leaves are suggested because of their keeping qualities. The larvae quickly perforate the leaf which must be changed daily. When changing the leaf, the larvae readily drop off and curl up, before scattering, which gives the opportunity to make the change. But be quick! As the larvae grow they can be moved to a larger plastic box, for further growth before sleeving either on a potted foodplant (enclose the pot and plant), or on a branch of Plum or Sallow Salix caprea.
The larvae feed on Dead Nettle, Stinging Nettle, Willow, Sallow, Bramble, Sloe and Plum. They especially like Comfrey and Borage. They often browse on other hedgerow plants. Whilst, in the wild, these larvae would hibernate, if you keep them warm and well-fed, in captivity a second brood may be possible.
Pupation is amongst litter at the base of the foodplant and the magnificent day-flying moths emerge in June. Pairing is easy. Eggs are laid loose in the herbage and the tiny larvae feed for a while before hibernation at the base of the foodplant.
Hibernation in captivity may be done in several ways, but we now suggest hibernating them sleeved, pot and all, in a large pot of Comfrey, which should be kept out of doors in all weathers, and able to drain. In nature eggs are scattered loose amongst the foliage that the larvae like to feed on. The young larvae feed and grow for some weeks before hibernating deep in the base of ground foliage. In spring they resume feeding - their spectacular yellow and black patterning making a striking site on green foliage.
Scarlet Tigers fly by day - a wonderful sight on a sunny June day. In spring the colourful caterpillars are a joy to rear and very easy on potted foodplant.
Puss Moth Cerura vinula
An ideal beginner's species and an old favourite for the connoisseur. Larvae change frequently and become one of the strangest creatures. Curious forked tail with long red flagellae when disturbed. Foodplants are Poplars and Willows.
The caterpillar spins a concrete-hard cocoon of chewed bark, mixed into its own silk, producing a cocoon that is so camouflaged that it is very hard to see - see the picture - VERY hard to see!
Buff Tip Moth Phalera bucephala
The Buff Tip, once very common, is remarkable and a must for the enthusiast. You could help re-establish Buff Tips in your area. The eggs are laid in a tight cluster on a leaf of the foodplant. A hatched group of eggs is illustrated and you can see the skeletonised leaf left by the tiny larvae as they progress feeding across the leaf. The larvae are gregarious and quite conspicuous by the trail of eaten leaves, and the fact that they form quite a lumpy cluster!
They are coloured with a netted pattern of yellow and black, warning colours that ward off predators, and larger larvae have a covering of long, fine white silky hairs. The group does not disperse until pupation when they descend to burrow quite deep into the soil.
The moth is a master of deception, rolling its wings to form a silvery tube with extraordinary likeness at either end to a broken branch. If it flies up on being disturbed, it is hard to spot on landing, unless you know what you are looking for, because it so closely resembles a piece of branch. The larvae feed Maple, Birch, Hazel, Laburnham, Poplar, Prunus (Plums and Blackthorn), Oak, False Acacia Robinia, Hazel, Rose, Willows, Sallows, Lime, Elm, Viburnums.
We recommend Buff Tips as a great experience of nature.
Vapourer Moth Orgyia antiqua
Eggs are laid by the wingless female in a batch on the cocoon, where they pass the winter and hatch in spring.
Very interesting both for its moth and its very attractive and colourful caterpillar. Winter eggs are supplied for storage in the cool until spring. The larvae normally hatch in May/June or later, and feed on a wide variety of trees, which include Hawthorn, Willows and Sallows, most fruit trees, Hazel, Rose, Lime and Oak. The larvae are beautifully patterned and coloured, and decorated by prominent shaving brush-like tufts. The cocoon is spun amongst the foodplant.
The male moth is delicate, chestnut brown, with prominent feathered antennae, which are used to detect the wingless female, who emerges from the cocoon and rests on it, calling for a male. She lays her egg batch all over the cocoon where the eggs remain through the winter ready to start off the next generation.
Vapourer Moth Orgyia antiqua
Eggs are laid by the wingless female in a batch on the cocoon, where they pass the winter and hatch in spring.
Very interesting both for its moth and its very attractive and colourful caterpillar. Winter eggs are supplied for storage in the cool until spring. The larvae normally hatch in May/June or later, and feed on a wide variety of trees, which include Hawthorn, Willows and Sallows, most fruit trees, Hazel, Rose, Lime and Oak. The larvae are beautifully patterned and coloured, and decorated by prominent shaving brush-like tufts. The cocoon is spun amongst the foodplant.
The male moth is delicate, chestnut brown, with prominent feathered antennae, which are used to detect the wingless female, who emerges from the cocoon and rests on it, calling for a male. She lays her egg batch all over the cocoon where the eggs remain through the winter ready to start off the next generation.
Lackey Moth Malacasoma neustria
Not a rare species but seldom offered by WWB. Although considered common, the Lackey Moth is found much more rarely than 20 years ago and it is one that can be encouraged so easily.
The overwintering eggs are laid in tight bands on the bark of the foodplant. Resulting larvae are gregarious until much larger. They become amazingly beautiful, striped from head to tail with contrasting hues of orange and blue. The head is sky blue, with two prominent black spots, looking like eyes.
The most used foodplants are Hawthorn and Blackthorn, and the larvae also feed on Plum, Apple, Oak, Rose, Bramble, Willows and Sallows. Try them on alternatives, you may discover new foodplants.
The white silken cocoons contain a curious sulphur-like powder, produced by the caterpillar as it pupates.
The female is a small, quite stocky Eggar Moth. Males are less heavily built and very agile. Pairing is easy. Provide thin branches for the females to lay their bands of eggs, which should be stored cold from November to April. When leaves are produced in spring, let the eggs hatch in the ambient temperature.
Emperor Moth Saturnia pavonia
Britain’s only Silkmoth. The male and female have similar markings, but the female is larger, and the male is more brightly coloured. The Emperor Moth occurs in many rural areas but is particularly found on heaths, where they breed on Heathers. Eggs are laid in clusters on the heather, looking just like the dead flowerheads from last year.
The larvae feed on a variety of plants, including Bramble, Raspberry, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Apple, Plum, Blackthorn, Oak, Hornbeam, Birch, Heathers and Heaths, Blueberry, Meadowsweet, Wild Rose, Sea Buckthorn, Purple Loosestrife, Willows especially Osier Salix viminalis, Pussy Willow (Sallow).
The caterpillars cluster in the early instars, eventually spreading out and becoming brightly coloured, as beautiful as such exotics as the Indian Moon Moth. The cocoon is spun in the foodplant. This is the stage that passes the winter. An interesting construction with a neck and open end, through which the adult emerges in spring. This is one of the fun species to rear.
Store cocoons in a cupboard until November. Then keep refrigerated until mid- February when they can be put in the emerging cage ready for hatching in March.
Emperor Moth Saturnia pavonia
Britain’s only Silkmoth. The male and female have similar markings, but the female is larger, and the male is more brightly coloured. The Emperor Moth occurs in many rural areas but is particularly found on heaths, where they breed on Heathers. Eggs are laid in clusters on the heather, looking just like the dead flowerheads from last year.
The larvae feed on a variety of plants, including Bramble, Raspberry, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Apple, Plum, Blackthorn, Oak, Hornbeam, Birch, Heathers and Heaths, Blueberry, Meadowsweet, Wild Rose, Sea Buckthorn, Purple Loosestrife, Willows especially Osier Salix viminalis, Pussy Willow (Sallow).
The caterpillars cluster in the early instars, eventually spreading out and becoming brightly coloured, as beautiful as such exotics as the Indian Moon Moth. The cocoon is spun in the foodplant. This is the stage that passes the winter. An interesting construction with a neck and open end, through which the adult emerges in spring. This is one of the fun species to rear.
Giant Peacock Moth Saturnia pyri
SPECIAL PRICES: 15 £14.95 NOW £12.95 30 £19.95 NOW £16.95
Europe's largest Moth! Larvae sleeved outside do well except in constant wet and cold weather. The large larva, with its apple green colouring and colourful spikey tubercles, is as handsome as the tropical Moon Moths.
The natural foodplants are Blackthorn and Hawthorn but they will often accept fruit trees such a Plum and Apple. Cocoons spun in summer produce moths in the following spring.
Tau Emperor Moth Aglia tau 15 eggs
This European Silkmoth flies in early spring and is one of the Silkmoths (Saturniidae).
The young larvae are adorned with antlers, as impressive as the American Hicory Horned Devils! Foodplants include Lime, Oak, Birch, Hawthorn, and other trees and shrubs. Single brooded. Rearing in sleeves is very successful. The larvae pupate amongst litter on the ground.
Very easy to breed: lay the pupae out in February for March/April emergence. The moths fly and pair by day, and particularly appreciate sunshine. Eggs are laid on the cage sides.
Highly recommended.
CEBALLOSI subspecies of Graellsia isabellae. Bustillo and Rubio 1974
This subspecies first officially recognised and described in 1974, is appreciably larger than the nominate form, and other subspecies. We have never had the opportunity to list isabellae ceballosi before and this is an opportunity not to be missed by the specialist breeder.
Ssp ceballosi is found in the north of Andalucia in Sierras de Segura and Cazoria, in South East Spain. As well as being measurably larger, the eye-spots, bands and other markings are more clearly defined.
Foodplants, as with isabellae isabellae, Pines, including Scotts Pinus sylvestris.
American Moon Moth Actias luna North America
A very attractive Moon Moth that is double brooded and is very easy to rear. Larvae of the first brood produce moths this year.
The larvae feed on Walnut, and have been recorded as accepting Liquidambar, Birch, Plane, Maples, Aspen, Plum, Sallow, Osier Willow and several kinds of Oak. We have excellent results with Walnut and Osier.
Store autumn cocoons cool, even in a fridge from December onwards. In April they can be incubated for emergence in May.