Butterfly Books

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Caterpillars of Great Britain and Ireland - New and accurate Field Guide
Availability: NOW

Caterpillars of Great British and Ireland  By Phil Sterling and Barry Henwood, Illustrated by Richard Lewington.

A much-needed at-a-glance guide. 

This beautifully illustrated field guide covers caterpillars of the moth and butterfly species that are most likely to be encountered in the British Isles. The Artist, Richard Lewington, is THE acknowledged expert illustrator of such field guides, not just of our time but of all time. Depictions of caterpillars have in the past been more representations than accurate images that enable fast recognition. By our judgement there has never before been a field guide that makes identification from drawings swift and accurate.

The comprehensive introduction covers how to study caterpillars and provides a window into their diverse natural histories, while the species accounts cover status, field characters, similar species, habitat, foodplant and field notes. All accompanied with up-to-date distribution maps.

352 pages,1000 colour illustrations. 199 colour photos and 828 distribution maps

Dimensions: 216 x 135 mm

£35.00 +vat
Collins Butterfly Guide  Tom Tolman and Richard Lewington
Availability: NOW

Collins Butterfly Guide     Tom Tolman and Richard Lewington

This new guide covers over 400 species, 2000 colour illustrations and distribution maps for each species.

Very comprehensive text covering flight periods, variation, habitat, behaviour, life cycle and nomenclature.  384 pages. New Softback edition. 

£18.99 +vat
Pocket Guide to the BUTTERFLIES of Great Britain & Ireland, Richard Lewington
Availability: NOW

Pocket Guide to the Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland Richard Lewington  


An important pocket guide to the butterflies of Great Britain & Ireland.


This compact book really does fit into your pocket and is all you need for identification on all resident and migrant species, together with a selection of day-flying moths, illustrated in colour, including all stages of the life cycle. Ideal for both beginners and experienced enthusiasts. 7.5 x 4.5". 144 pages



£9.99 +vat
Britain's Butterflies - Wild Guide
Availability: NOW

Britain's Butterflies - Wild Guide by David Tomlinson and Rob Still

Third edition of this useful field guide which includes photographs of egg, caterpillar and chrysalis as well as the adult male and female butterflies.

Fully updated on the status and distribution. 
Softcover, 240 pages.

£17.95 +vat
ACP. Butterflies - used copy
Availability: NOW

All Colour Paperback BUTTERFLIES Robert Goodden.

No other book gives such plain and practical advice for the study of butterflies and moths.
A comprehensive guide - outlining techniques for the breeding and study of butterflies and moths. This book also shows a grand selection of butterflies of every continent. Packed with essential information, colourful pictures and diagrams by the butterfly artist JOYCE BEE. Paperback. 160  pages. 7 x 4". An essential guide for the beginner.

This book went out of print many years ago. WWB bought the entire stock of the English language edition. Stocks have now sold out. There are some used copies, damage or marking mainly on the covers, which does not materially affect the content. Even these are now down to rather few copies.
Published by Hamlyn. Available only from Worldwide Butterflies.



£29.95 +vat
Butterflies of Britain and Ireland  Jeremy Thomas and Richard Lewington
Availability: NOW

Butterflies of Britain and Ireland  Jeremy Thomas and Richard Lewington

Full of stunning illustrations, this new fully revised edition contains updated information about each species in the light of new research and updated maps.

All life stages are illustrated, and aspects of identification, variation, distribution, life-cycle, ecology, food plants and behaviour are all covered. A masterpiece!

Paperback 288 pages.

£25.00 +vat
Variations in British Butterflies Harmer
Availability: NOW

Variations in British Butterflies by A S Harmer 

Illustrated by A D A Russworm.

84 colour plates with over 400 specimens with data, text drawings etc

£52.00 +vat
The AURELIAN LEGACY: British Butterflies & their Collectors
Availability: NOW

The Aurelian Legacy   Michael Salmon, Peter Marren & Basil Harley

 A fascinating account of men and women who have made valuable contributions to our knowledge of British butterflies and of their early and often complex history. 

From 1553 to present day, it covers brief biographies of 101 lepidopterists, species of historical interest, nostalgic illustrations of old equipment, good colour plates & text figures. Highly recommended.


430 pages, 11 x 8.5"




£37.00 +vat
The AURELIAN'S Fireside Companion
Availability: NOW

The Aurelian’s Fireside Companion   An entomological anthology by Michael Salmon & Peter Edwards.  Illustrations by Tim Bernhard. 


A celebration of the joys and frustrations experienced by collectors of butterflies and moths.


Reflects the work of amateurs from 18th century to present day. Many illustrations and fascinating articles, letters and notes. 


Ideal to go with "The Aurelian Legacy".



£37.00 +vat
Breeding the British Butterflies
Availability: NOW

Breeding the British Butterflies    Peter Cribb

A good practical handbook covering all aspects of butterfly breeding, including general techniques, equipment, and hints on how to breed each of the British species, foodplants, hand-pairing etc. written by an expert on British Butterflies. 

60 pages, 6 figures, 5 plates.  Paperback 8.25 x 5.75"

£7.95 +vat
Hazards of Butterfly Collecting  Torben B. Larsen
Availability: NOW

Hazards of Butterfly Collecting  Torben B. Larsen

An entertaining and interesting account of field entomology as Torben describes his experiences around the world. 

147 pictures and illustrations. Softcover.256 pages.

£11.99 +vat
Caterpillars of the British Isles, Colour Identification Guide.  Jim Porter
Availability: NOW

Caterpillars of the British Isles, Colour Identification Guide.  Jim Porter

Illustrates 850 butterfly and moth larvae. 

Books for identifying caterpillars are very scarce.  This excellent caterpillar guide is now available again. Foodplants, Habits etc. detailed for each species. 

Compliments Skinner’s Moths. Hardback    275 pages. 

The best guide for many years.

£77.00 +vat