Butterflies of Britain Chart Richard Lewington
Four-folded highly colourful chart illustrating all the British butterflies natural size, by the artist Richard Lewington. Stiff card, approx A4 size, gloss laminate protected both sides. The reverse has informative texts on life cycles, Parasites, behaviour, conservation and organisations involved with butterflies.
CHART British Butterflies
The original British Butterfly Chart.
All the British Butterflies with both sexes shown where they differ. Painted by H.D. Swain. All species. 25 x 18". Sent rolled.
CHART Caterpillars of the British Butterflies
A very striking and informative identification guide, which will help at a glance to identify butterfly caterpillars. The artist is Gordon Riley, and it is edited by David Carter. 20 x 30". Sent folded.
CHARTS The Caterpillars of the British Moths 1 and 2
Two accurate and colourful charts of caterpillars of moths. Drawn by Gordon Riley and edited by David Carter. 20 x 30". Sent folded.
Caterpillars 1 : Hawks, Eggars, Tigers and Stick Caterpillars
Caterpillars 2 : Sharks, Noctuids, Prominents,Colourful Hairies.
Dragonfly Identification Chart
The original Dragonfly Chart.
A very large poster, illustrating in fine detail and colour, all the British Dragonflies and Demoiselles. Very scientific, highly decorative and informative. 27.5 x 39"
Caterpillars of Butterflies of Britain & Ireland a laminated fold-out chart
Caterpillars of 57 of the more commonly encountered butterflies species plus information on distribution, food plants and life cycle. 8 pages.
Day-flying Moths, a laminated fold-out chart Illustrated by Richard Lewington
8-page laminated chart with 103 species of day-flying macro-moths and information on the habitats and distribution of each species. Illustrations by Richard Lewington.
Hawkmoths of the British Isles a laminated fold-out chart
An 8-panel chart illustrating adults and caterpillars of all 18 British Hawkmoths. Contains information to help with hawkmoth identification, including regional distribution for each species, the main larval foodplants and adult emergence time.
Dragonflies & Damselflies of Britain
A laminated fold-out chart of 12 pages covering 16 Damselflies and 28 Dragonflies.
British Grasshoppers & Allied Insects
A laminatd fold-out chart showing 50 species of grasshoppers, ground hoppers, bush crickets, crickets, cockroaches, earwigs and stick insects.
Guide to Bees of Britain, laminated
An 8-page fold-out chart showing 28 species of Bees.
The chart includes representatives of mining bees, cavity-nesting bees, cuckoo bees as well as the “Big Six” Bumblebees. Information on flight periods, distribution of each species in Britain, and useful pointers to help distinguish between similar looking species.
Guide to Ladybirds of the British Isles a laminated fold-out chart
This covers 26 of the 46 coccinellid species found in Britain. It includes information on colour pattern, habitat and distribution. There are also sections in the 8 pages on the life cycle and feeding relationships of ladybirds