Bullseye Moth Automeris io cocoons

Bullseye Moth Automeris io  cocoons
Bullseye Moth Automeris io  cocoons Bullseye Moth Automeris io  cocoons Bullseye Moth Automeris io  cocoons Bullseye Moth Automeris io  cocoons Bullseye Moth Automeris io  cocoons Bullseye Moth Automeris io  cocoons
Availability: Late February

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* Pupae:

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Bullseye Moth Automeris io North America 

This small silkmoth has a number of interesting characteristics. The male and female are distinctly different colours – both have the enormous eye markings on the hindwings which are exposed when the moth is disturbed. The larvae are covered by branched spines – don’t touch them – they sting like a nettle. They are gregarious until the larvae are quite large, changing colour at each skin change. Very interesting and easy to rear.

For pairing, keep the moths in a cage the size of the Pyjama Mini Cage. Fertile eggs develop a black dot which is the micropyle, through which the embryo breathes. A useful indicator of fertility, not present in most other species.

The larvae are polyphagous, ie they will accept a wide variety of foodplants, which include such trees as Oak, Lime, Willow, Hazel, Bramble, Apple, Hawthorn and more.