FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects

FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects
FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cage for larger breeding projects
Availability: Late February

Available Prices & Options

* Freedom Cages:

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FREEDOM CAGE Multipurpose cages for larger breeding projects

The GIANT Freedom Cage has enough space to house tropical species and can be used as a portable flight cage. There is room for potted food and nectar plants and can be used outside or indoors. As well as a side access zip, the bottom can be unzipped to place the cage over a growing bush or patch of nettles or other foodplant. Release larvae, with the freedom to roam, and protected from predators.

Large 3mm mesh gives enhanced visibility - enjoy observing courtship, egg-laying, flight and feeding habits and preferences. 

As soon as we built the first Freedom Cage, it was immediately apparent that the same design in smaller sizes would provide a whole new facility for breeders, so the range of three evolved. The Large and Small Freedom cages will fit through a standard door way: the Giant needs more space.

All three sizes pack down into a box for storage or transport. Quick to assemble, a rigid construction is easily achieved at room temperature. Assembling in the cold means more effort to assemble the push-fit frame.


GIANT     Height 1 metre, diameter 85cms

LARGE   Height 1 metre, diameter 65 cms

SMALL    Height 76 cms, diameter 50 cms

FREEDOM CAGES are ideal for pairing and egg-laying Giant Silkmoths and Hawkmoths, with or without foodplants. All three sizes are designed to open at the base, in order to place over foodplants and whole bushes. We illustrate successful breeding of Brimstone rhamni, Orange Tip cardamines and Vanessids such as Peacock Inachis io and Tortoiseshells urticae, polychloros, xanthomelas, Camberwell Beauty antiopa and more. 

The more you use the FREEDOM CAGES the more you will find them useful.

For covering low-growing plants you can use the FREEDOM CAGES at half height!  Just remove the bottom supports and concertina the cover to the base, and you have a superior ground cage for Blues, Fritillaries and others that use low plants.

Take a look at the composite picture of the FREEDOM CAGE surrounded with pictures of some of the varied things that these new cages facilitate.