Privet Hawk Sphinx ligustri 15 eggs

Privet Hawk Sphinx ligustri 15 eggs
Privet Hawk Sphinx ligustri 15 eggs Privet Hawk Sphinx ligustri 15 eggs Privet Hawk Sphinx ligustri 15 eggs Privet Hawk Sphinx ligustri 15 eggs Privet Hawk Sphinx ligustri 15 eggs Privet Hawk Sphinx ligustri 15 eggs
Availability: Summer
Price: £12.95 +vat
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Privet Hawkmoth Sphinx ligustri 

One of the largest Hawkmoths. The caterpillar becomes enormous and is characteristic of the name Sphinx moths, by its sphinx-like resting position. Adults emerge in June and July.  They need nectar from the flowers of Privet, Valerian, Buddleia.  

Larval foodplants: Privet, Lilac, Ash, also reportedly Spiraea, Viburnum opulus, and other Viburnums,  Holly, Dogwood, Snowberry, Apple, Pear, Oleander, Leycesteria, Currant.

One generation in the year. Privet Hawks breed readily in a large cage with nectar and foodplant. 

The large pupae are formed underground. Store the pupae for emergence next summer.