Elephant Hawk elpenor 5 male pupae

Elephant Hawk elpenor 5 male pupae
Elephant Hawk elpenor 5 male pupae  Elephant Hawk elpenor 5 male pupae  Elephant Hawk elpenor 5 male pupae  Elephant Hawk elpenor 5 male pupae  Elephant Hawk elpenor 5 male pupae  Elephant Hawk elpenor 5 male pupae  Elephant Hawk elpenor 5 male pupae  Elephant Hawk elpenor 5 male pupae
Availability: Late February
Price: £18.95 +vat
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Elephant Hawk Dielephila elpenor

Store winter pupae refrigerated in a plastic box. In the emerging cage it is important to have the pupae moist but well drained. Please see the Pupae Nest on this website. The moths usually emerge in June and July. 

Cage the moths with nectar flowers and springs of Willowherb – you do not see the pairings but fertile eggs are easily obtained. 

An exceptionally pretty moth with amazing and characterful larvae, with eye-spots and probing “trunks”. Young larvae are green, later changing to charcoal black, with occasional rarities remaining green.

Larvae feed on Willowherbs, Fuschia, Creepers.

Highly recommended.