Citrus Swallowtail POT LUCK collection of 20 eggs
This is great fun! You get unidentified eggs or larvae that have been laid on Citrus plants in the butterfly house. They might be just one species but are much more likely to be mixed species. Examples could include demoleus, polytes, bianor, rumanzovia, memnon and other related species.
To rear these ideally you need potted Citrus trees in a greenhouse or somewhere you can keep warm and moist. The larvae are likely to accept substitutes such as Choisya and Skimmia.
The larvae develop fast in warm conditions, usually taking no more than 4 weeks from egg to adult, though some of the larger ones need a little longer.
Citrus larvae undergo a number of colour changes through the different instars, starting camouflaged as a bird dropping, but later taking on startling pattern with prominent eye-spots, in shades of green, with beautiful markings.
Don’t miss these – they are real fun!