Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia
In the wild eggs are laid on tree bark. The larvae enter hibernation on a silken pad, without feeding. Keep the hatched larvae out of doors in a small sleeve containing the larvae on the material they are laid on, preferably on bark that has some moss of lichen for moisture. In January place them on a pot of growing violet, entirely enclosed in a sleeve. The WWB zipped Size 3 is ideal. As the larvae grow, they need extra food - they can be quite hungry!
Our largest and finest Fritillary. Many people have never seen one. Follow the above suggestions and produce your own Silver-washed Fritillaries next summer!
Feed larvae in spring on Violet or Pansy leaves – best kept on potted food. Make sure that, if you buy potted foodplant, there had been no insecticide used to produce them!
Pupae are formed in late spring, and the butterflies emerge in June and July.