Convolvulous Hawk convolvuli 10 larvae

Convolvulous Hawk convolvuli 10 larvae
Convolvulous Hawk convolvuli 10 larvae Convolvulous Hawk convolvuli 10 larvae Convolvulous Hawk convolvuli 10 larvae Convolvulous Hawk convolvuli 10 larvae Convolvulous Hawk convolvuli 10 larvae Convolvulous Hawk convolvuli 10 larvae Convolvulous Hawk convolvuli 10 larvae
Availability: NOW
Price: £17.95 +vat
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Convolvulous Hawkmoth Herse convolvuli 

Not available every year: these are very special! 

Huge caterpillars: fascinating to rear.  The pupa has a curious proboscis, like a jug handle. Feeds at dusk, Tobacco plants, Petunia, Lillies and Phlox.

Larval Foodplants: Convolvulus, Field Bindweed, Hedge Bindweed, some Morning Glories.

Best reared in Plastic Rearing Containers: see the advice at the heading of that section of the WWB website. Keep at about 25 degrees C. The paper lining and food must be changed EVERY day. Food needs to be very fresh at all times. When larger the larvae may need this change twice a day, due to their productivity!

Larvae pupate in deep compost. Amazing pupae with jug-handle exterior proboscis case!. The pupae may be held cool until next season or incubated to produce moths in a month or two.